Government SaaS

Non Functional Requirements (NFRs) of Government SaaS

White Paper Abstract :

A Government SaaS that addresses a diverse set of stakeholders and multiple levels of user groups is much more complicated and technically challenging than a Private SaaS application that is often focused on a niche homogenous user base. The Non functional requirements (NFRs) of such a Government SaaS are hence very critical and important.

Defining the NFRs of Government SaaS, independent of its functional requirements, has many benefits. It leads to a focused effort on NFRs, a robust architectural framework, engineering excellence and consistency. The NFR stack when implemented as a loosely coupled framework, could become a common stack for multiple Government SaaS applications, resulting in significant reduction in cost of development, support and maintenance (TCO).

A Multi-tenant NFR Stack, also called as a “Multi-tenant SaaS Framework” should contain all the plumbing, engineering and operational components in a ready to use form (APIs and Services), so that developers using them can focus only on building the application specific functionalities. While building or buying such a framework, care should be taken that the SaaS provider retains ownership and control over the entire application stack both technically and strategically. Vendor lock in or platform lock in should be avoided.

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